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Trump inside the Courtroom: A Tale of Two Young Women

 A Tale of Two Young Women

Trump inside the Courtroom: A Tale of Two Young Women
Trump inside the Courtroom: A Tale of Two Young Women

The Glare That Wasn’t There

    Donald Trump, known for his unpredictable conduct, did not glare at me inside the courtroom today. This turned into a stark comparison to the previous day when he tried to intimidate me together with his irritated glare as he left the court. His apparent handyman, who sits inside the first row of the defense aspect, ought to have recommended him now not to make a big deal out of my presence in the court docket.

The Power of Social Media

    A young girl, whose call I won’t divulge for safety motives, works in the District Attorney’s workplace. Her activity is to study social media and put together it for use as proof in crook trials. She turned into assigned to the investigation of Donald Trump and needed to read as many as 10,000 social media posts, ordinarily with the aid of Donald Trump but also via Michael Cohen and others involved in this situation.

The Tale of Two Young Women

Also read :Social Work

    Today’s court docket was a tale of two young women describing their work in government. One defined her determination to a difficult task executed honorably underneath severe stress with excessive stakes, with the satisfactory of motivations and pursuit of a perfect. The other became Hope Hicks.

The Unseen Heroes of Justice

    The young lady from the District Attorney’s office is one of the unsung heroes within the equipment of American justice. Her dedication and professionalism had been apparent to everybody inside the court docket, in particular Judge Juan Merchan.

Hope Hicks: A Picture of Privilege

    Hope Hicks, alternatively, changed into the image of privilege. She laughed out loud inside the court docket at the very concept of Donald Trump presenting her a activity she became unqualified to do.

The Power of Denial

    Hope Hicks lived by using the motto of “Deny, deny, deny.” When the Trump campaign team changed into trying to respond to the excellent reporting at “The Washington Post,” which found out the Access Hollywood video wherein Donald Trump is proven bragging about his favorite method of sexual assault, Hope Hicks informed the team that the approach become to deny.

The Question Unasked

    Hope Hicks got off the witness stand with out being asked the most vital query of her lifestyles. That question is, “Why didn’t you end?” Why didn’t she give up the presidential campaign in 2016 when it became so apparent to each person that she changed into operating for a pathological liar and a dangerous man or woman?


    It gives a glimpse into the courtroom drama involving Donald Trump and Hope Hicks. It highlights the stark assessment among the determination of a young female working tirelessly for justice and the privilege and denial exhibited by using Hope Hicks. The question stays, why didn’t Hope Hicks end while it become clean she become operating for a dangerous individual?



By: Ahmad Ashry

By: Ahmad Ashry

Ahmed Ashry .. An English teacher and trainer .. A Member of the International Translators Association .. A Lecturer and trainer of self-development and human relations .. Interested in blogging to enrich the global content and humanitarian assistance .

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